About us

Coding for Medicine in its Eleventh Year

Coding for Medicine is an innovative organization dedicated to teach coding skills to young people based on real-life problems. Our primary areas are biology and medicine, but we also offer interesting modules like "Precalculus Meets Coding" and "Calculus Meets Coding" to teach precalculus/calculus and coding together, and "Catching Pokemons with Coding" to teach coding to the middle-school students.

Our highly favoured high-school summer camps are in eleventh year now. Over the years, we expanded to many topics and areas. The years 2018-2021 had been particularly exciting.

  • Anne Grodjak, our student from 2017, conducted excellent research for two years under the supervision of Dr. Samanta and reported the findings in this paper. Anne joined MIT in the fall of 2021.
  • In 2020, Leo Zou and Athulya Saravanakumar from the Dulles High School, Houston, TX started a Coding for Medicine club for their school to introduce their fellow students to biology-inspired coding. This club had been a great success. If you are interested in starting a similar club at your school, please contact us.
  • In addition to the coding camps, we introduced a biotechnology lab module ("Tinkering with DNA") in 2018 and continued with "Microbial Mysteries" lab in 2019 to explore the microbial world. After a break due to covid lockdown in 2020, we again offered the module in 2021 at the Redmond Ridge location. We plan to offer it again this year and are figuring out the logistics.
  • In the Fall of 2018, we offered the online module "Calculus Meets Coding" for high-schoolers. We continued in Fall 2019, with another online module - "Precalculus with Coding and Animation" for advanced middle-schoolers and high-schoolers. This year, we have a condensed module based on those topics.
  • With our students from the 2017 high-school summer camp, we raised money through crowdfunding to uncover the genetic secrets of salmonberry. Research on this project is nearly complete, and we are working on the publication.
  • In late 2018, we initiated online classes on R and bioinformatics for college students and post-doctoral researchers.

  • Mohua Bose, PhD is the Founder of Coding for Medicine LLC. She received her PhD in Organic chemistry from University of Nebrasaka, Lincoln. Her extensive research experience spans the interface of chemistry and biology such as manipulating proteins and probing biological systems with specifically designed small molecules. Dr. Bose worked on cutting edge problems in chemical biology in the lab of Peter G. Schultz at The Scripps Research Institute and then in the lab of Gerald R. Crabtree at Stanford University School of Medicine. She developed low-cost diagnostics for infectious diseases at InBios International Inc, Seattle and now consults in biotechnology for technology commercialization.

    Manoj P. Samanta, PhD has been a bioinformatics researcher for twenty five years, and he published several high-profile papers including the electric eel genome paper. He worked at the NASA Ames Research Center and Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, CA. Dr. Samanta received his M.S. and PhD from Purdue University, where he conducted research on nanotechnology. He completed his B. Tech. in Electronics and Electrical Communications at the Indian Institute of Technology, where he received the Institute Silver Medal for top academic performance. He was also a member of the Indian national team at the 1989 International Maths Olympiad.